Monday, January 2, 2012

weekend pics

it was quiet in the house on new year's eve.  after a day of tidying, cleaning and sorting (yes, I am already thinking about the house projects that need to be done this year), we did end up going up mount seymour, one of our local mountains, for an evening of tobogganing.  it was a new year's eve celebration with big band music playing in the background, a fire pit to get warm (it was cold!), s'mores making, and hot apple cider.  there was an early count down at 9pm with party hats, sparklers (kai's favourite), and noisemakers.

although i wasn't feeling very well (a cold!), i enjoyed the festive mood, the happiness around me, and mostly kai's enjoyment of it all.  we returned home and stefan treated us to hot chocolate drinks, we snacked on cheese and crackers, played a game of scrabble by candlelight, and at midnight indulged in some champagne.  kai managed to stay up until about 4am - we promised him he could stay up as late as he wanted.  stefan and i were in bed by 2am and i tried my best to stay awake by reading in bed but i think i drifted off to sleep at about 3am to the sound of kai giggling while he watched curious george.  needless to say, he was a tired boy on new year's day.

                kai, age 8, didn't want to wear a 'girl' crown but he didn't mind in 2008 when he was 5 years old

kai at 2am - i can't believe he remained awake for another 2 hours!!!
on new year's day we had a couple of invitations to spend time with friends which would have been a lovely way to start the new year.  i, unfortunately, was not able to attend.  my week long cold has gotten worse instead of better and i spent most of the day on the sofa watching old episodes of ellen, reading, and drinking tea.  my boys had fun at our friend's birthday bash for their one year old son.  they brought me back a container filled with the delicious persian food that was on offer (so sweet, thank you kam and ghazaleh!).  i then spent the evening watching gnomeo and juliet - a very sweet film - with kai.

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