Tuesday, March 1, 2011


introducing mikey, the manx, our other cat.  mikey is not your typical cat and i think this is why he is adored by many of our neighbours. actually, i think he thinks he's a dog. he plays fetch. he is not afraid of anything - he stands his ground and he will not move a muscle when a dog (or raccoon!) approaches, he will either swat at them or want to play. mikey is very playful. he isn't much of a cuddle bug but when he does choose to cuddle, it's intense and involves lots of drooling. and, mikey urinates in the toilet (we didn't teach him, i swear). 

the first few days home with us
mikey received his name when kai declared, with mikey in his arms as we were leaving our friends home (they foster kittens for vokra and how we got loki too) that 'mike' would be coming home with us:
image from 2008

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