Monday, March 14, 2011


kai has taken ski lessons for a few years and, if it's okay to brag for just a moment, he is usually one of the top students in the class.  kai's papa is very proud of his fearlessness on the slopes.  his mama, not so much.

because stefan snowboards, kai has been asking if he can take it up instead of skiing. today was the day for him to try it out.  he loved it.  i was a little worried he would be disappointed because apparently learning to snowboard is more difficult than learning to ski and can be a frustrating process.  his instructor said kai was a natural and that his years of skiing actually helped in the lesson. 

i'm not sure i'm ready for him to abandon skiing for snowboarding but am happy to indulge with a lesson from time to time.  kai, however, may have other ideas...
after being on the mountain, a stop to mink cafe for hot chocolate, chocolate, or/and chocolate fondue has usually been in the plan, and today was no different!

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