Sunday, May 8, 2011

mom blogs

happy mother's day to all the moms! 

i have a little prezzie for you that i am certain you will like, if you don't already know about them.  i am loving a couple of new mom blogs that i discovered, the glow + momfilter, that i wanted to share with you. 

the glow gives you "a glimpse into the world of inspiring and fashionable moms.   here you’ll find their styling ideas, go-to gear, multitasking secrets, and enviable decor."

momfilter, by the editors of the cookie magazine (it was a sad day when the magazine ended), helps "you filter through all of the parenting chatter and come away with just the right balance of information and inspiration."

these blogs feature moms that are crazy about their kids yet haven't lost themselves along the way.  it's a fine balance and one that i continue to try to achieve because i think it's super important.  the saying, 'a happy mom makes a happy a family', is very true!  be warned, these moms are also super stylish.
have a lovely day today! 

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