Sunday, June 5, 2011


we took kai and his buddy lucy to steveston today.  we were not prepared for how busy it was going to be, the tall ships were on display and the farmer's market was being held as well.  steveston is a quaint fisherman's town.  you can watch the fishers mend their nets and you can buy fish right off the boats by walking down to the pier (you certainly won't find fresher fish).  and so it really is the best place to eat fish and chips, although i don't think any of us had any!!!  how about that, i guess we have visited plenty of times the novelty of fish and chips wears off. 

it was a lovely sunny day.  we ate and wandered around the market. lucy brought monies to buy herself and kai a treat and the two of them were in serious conversation about what they would want. they ended up choosing caramel popcorn.  i chose ice cream for myself.  stefan chose a macaroon.

stefan wearing lucy's sunglasses

we then settled ourselves on the sandy beach of garry point park.  if you are lucky, and we sadly were not, you can watch for seals in the harbor and bald eagles in the trees.   
the tall ships in the distance, stefan and kai will be boarding one in a few days for a battle!

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