Monday, June 13, 2011

girlies, popchips, banana republic

we visited fabulous friends this weekend.  we've known them since our move to vancouver, over a decade ago now. if there was more time, this is one family i would want to hang out with all of the time (i was thinking daily but that sounds a little stalker-ish don't you think?).  jason is a mix of my brothers so i feel very at home in his company - he is funny and sweet.  dede is pure awesomeness - she always serves a great spread of food, is super stylish, and she is currently, right now, building their new home! and aren't their girlies ridiculously cute? 
this image taken in 2006, sweet and fabulous

are you wondering about the popchips and banana republic in the title?  well, first you should know that i do not possess a sweet tooth but love, love, love chips (too much really, so they are rarely allowed in the house).  secondly, dede's snack picks are always nutritional and delicious, including these popchips she served.  snacking with less sodium, less fat, less calories!

you remember that i just mentioned dede is always stylish.  she could wear anything and it will look great on her.  anyway, i am coveting her banana republic bag, which i first spotted here.  love.

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