Friday, June 17, 2011


suji, a good friend, gave me her old iphone (she always seems to have the newest of gadgets).  i reluctantly took it and placed it on top of the refrigerator, out of sight.  i was yet unsure if i wanted one.  i resisted for a long time.  i have witnessed at home, at work, and walking along the streets that an iphone can be an easy addiction.  i currently don't have any addictions (shoes don't count, of course!) and wasn't interested in acquiring any.  unknown to me, stefan found the phone (on top of the refrigerator is not out of sight for him), set it up then happily handed it to me. 

so, i never thought i would say it but i do enjoy my iphone. alot.  alot, alot.  stefan, you can stop smirking now!  almost two months as an iphone owner and i can say that i am not addicted.  i can spend an entire day and not pick it up to view messages or emails.  i often forget to turn it on. i have only one app.  i don't walk and text at the same time.  what i love about it is the texting, the instant emails, the case i purchased for it, the long drives from a day trip/sitting in traffic playing sudoko (stefan is driving, btw, not me).

thank you suji, you were right. 
image from here

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