Wednesday, January 12, 2011


let me introduce you to loki, the older of our two cats.  he is 3.5 years old and is huge, weighing 14 pounds.  he is named after the norse god of mischief.  it turns out the name is appropriate for our loki who likes to leave throw-up around the house. we don't know what to do about this so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. despite this flaw we love him. 

he is such a cuddle monster.  loki often greets me standing on his hind legs and stretched to my sternum to be picked up.  once in my arms, he immediately settles in and nuzzles into my neck. stefan may say loki is a tad too clingy.  he loves being wherever we are, following us around the house. 

loki is also a scared-y cat.  outdoors, he stays close to the house.  he doesn't realize that he can use his hugeness to his advantage.  he's afraid of other cats, dogs, persons, and the slightest of noises will have him hiding under the bed or in the hamper. 

he loves his treats.  we think he is a food addict.



an unhappy cat after a bath.

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