Tuesday, July 12, 2011

chiara visits

i am feeling very lucky of late.  last weekend, i actually had family in vancouver hanging out for a few days.  and this weekend i had friends from toronto visiting!  chiara and john are childhood friends of mine, so really, like family.  it was wonderful to see them in vancouver.  they have two great kids who kai enjoyed hanging out with.

we cooked and ate a fabulous meal. kai and michael bonded over lego and the hamster. we then had a serious game of jenga! 

the next day, we met up with them downtown at their hotel.  we enjoyed the hotel pool, ate a japadog and an ice cream, then strolled it all off.  it was a lovely afternoon before we had to say our good-byes.
japadog is very popular, so much so that they opened three other stands and a storefront. would you eat a japanese style hotdog smothered with teriyaki, soy sauce, edamame, seeweed, and/or bonito flakes? 
canada place
olympic torch

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