Thursday, July 14, 2011


cookie is our hamster. we’ve had her since november 2010.  while stefan was away on a work trip, kai and i went to find a hamster (actually, we dropped him off at the airport and went directly to the pet shop).  
image taken in november 2010, when we first brought cookie home.  kai wanted to sleep with her.
stefan was worried about having a hamster in the house with two cats and rightly so. however, my thinking was that with some good rules, we could prevent any accidents from happening. so far so good; the hamster is alive. the cats don't bother her anymore but certainly they were very curious at first. 
cookie makes us laugh with her acrobatic antics.  her smallness makes everything she does very cute – drinking, eating, storing, sleeping, etc.  because hamsters are nocturnal, kai spends time with her early in the morning before she’s off to bed and at dinnertime just after  she makes up to start her day. such a little thing has put big smiles on our faces!

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