Monday, July 18, 2011

guest post (cherry pie)

the following post is from my hubby writing about cherry pie!  enjoy.

hello there, i am connie's hubby stefan. as you may have read in one of her posts, i like to cook. and bake. and eat what i cook and bake. i like doing this since there really isn't much of an excuse not to use the incredible things that come from the farms and ocean around here. summer is a favorite with fruit season in full swing.  cherries are one of my favorite and the season has just begun.

quite a few years ago i took a cooking course, a condensed version of the professional program held at dubrelle.  one of the things i learned to do was to make pastry. once you have had your hands in a bowl of butter and flour and transformed that into pastry, you are set for a life of wonderful desserts.
when connie and i both bought cherries on the weekend and we had what seemed like a small orchard worth in our fridge i decided the only way to tackle this was to make cherry pie. it took some work, pitting, halving, macerating, pureeing, pastry-rolling and pie filling. i now have a very good looking pie sitting in the kitchen, waiting to be devoured by this little family.

i love it how connie and kai enjoy what i cook for them. i am not much of a handyman. i can't make connie any furniture like some husbands seem to be annoyingly good at. nor can i construct tree houses for kai, like some over achieving fathers are fond of doing and pointing out to their hapless peers. but i can cook for them and enjoy the pleasure it brings them. and that makes it all worth it.

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