Monday, August 1, 2011

vancouver island

it's always a great time going to the island and now that we have family there, it's all the better.  we all went with the flow of however the day would progress.  i loved kai being with family.  i loved falling asleep to the sound of the waves – the house they were staying in these last few weeks was right on the beach.  i loved being able to celebrate melanie’s birthday, her first of hopefully many in canada!  i loved sitting by the fire in the evenings.  here are some highlights...

1. melanie wanted to celebrate her birthday by eating at a diner, walking around mount washington, and having a barbeque dinner for her birthday.  we obliged. 

on our way to the mountain!
some of us, okay craig in particular, didn't wear sensible shoes.  actually crocs should never be worn outside the home! craig, are you listening?

pre-dinner cocktails and laughter.  thanks melanie!

2. the beach is always a great way to pass the day.  this particular beach was perfect. we were the only ones lounging here, probably because the water was too frigid to swim in (it’s coming straight from the mountain after all). it was tranquil and lovely. 
coffee and pizza to go for the beach


3. really, we could have just stayed home rather than leave the house.  the location was perfect, right on the beach! 
kelp skipping rope, anyone?
lovely neighbour who brings homemade treats by the house!
 4. we went blueberry and raspberry picking.  melanie turned them into pie and muffins, we mixed them in with yogurt for breakfast, or ate them as is.  delicious!
5. what do you do on a grey day in rural lands, ride on a monster truck of course!  we also tried our hand at mini golf.
okay, i was scared and loving it all at the same time.  but i don't think i could do it again.  craig, i hope you can still hear out of your right ear... sorry!
it was the monster truck employee's birthday that day and we helped celebrate by singing happy birthday to her!
6. we went back to the secluded beach but this time for a little hike.  the kids had fun running about the trees and climbing them.  walking along the beach was a good workout too.
there was a beach front cafe, perfect for a little nourishing before we made our way back
7. a vacation by the beach isn’t complete without a fire and marshmallows. kai roasted mine to perfection, very burnt! 
8. simply spending time with family.  all of it, the laughter, the silliness, the quiet, the chaos.
 miss you all already!

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