Thursday, August 11, 2011

how to talk to little girls

i came across this great article while visiting here.  it was written by lisa bloom and boy did it's message about how we communicate with little girls really resonate with me.  this is probably because i am so guilty of it.  one of the first things out of my mouth when talking with the little girls in my life will be to comment on her hair or her pretty top or just generally about how cute she is.  this article made me think of a particular little girl who responded to my compliment about her appearance with a, 'i know i'm so cute'.  isn't this alone very telling of how real this issue is.  i don't know if i can go cold turkey but i am going to try my darnedest to engage in conversation with little girls about stuff other than their appearance.

but if she is wearing these, i don't know if i will be able to resist!  they are too adorable!

image from here

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