Saturday, August 27, 2011


immigration approved melanie + family's application.  we officially have family living in bc, just a ferry ride away!  i am so happy for them.  i am certain they will love their new life in bc with the changing seasons, the outdoors at their front door (skiing, hiking, swimming), and the variety of foods from the farms and markets.  the friendly canadians they will encounter will shower them with niceness (btw, they have been flabbergasted by the fact that we really are very nice)!  and i think they will come to appreciate the rain too, yes even the rain!  rain boots do miracles and these are my pick. but i digress, back to family.  after 14 years of living in bc i can still feel like a tourist, especially having the mountains to gawk at.  my wish is that they fall in love with bc as stefan and i have.  eh?
kai and india summer 2011

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