Friday, September 30, 2011

date night

it's been too long since stefan and i were out on a proper date, just the two of us.  last night was the night and it was lovely to spend two uninterrupted hours with him. we went to tableau, a new casual french restaurant.  they made the perfect french onion soup!  and we each had classic frites, his with steak and mine with mussels.  so delicious! and i am loving joie wine again, it's a favourite.

we can too easily get sucked into other aspects of our lives - the computer, dinner prepping and cooking, laundry, parenting - that take away precious time from our relationship.  so, i love our idea of reinstating date nights.  i was nervous, i think i had butterflies in my tummy, is that possible after 16 years together?  anyway,  i think it ended well and that he will ask me out on a date again :-).  i imagine date nights will include many lovely dinners but i think there will also be some bowling or bocce playing other nights.  and maybe we'll take out our pre-kai climbing gear too! 

he was looking especially handsome, if i don't say so myself. i definitely ended up with someone fabulous... and smart (he did ask me out after all). 


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