Thursday, September 8, 2011

a martha first

i liked martha stewart's september issue of living magazine. it surprised me that i would. it's not as crafty or traditional as i imagined it to be. it actually had a modern approach. the only reason i picked up a copy was because of its cover page, i couldn't resist it. isn't the kitchen lovely? i love that banquette! the kitchen belongs to the magazine’s new editor-in-chief, Pilar Guzmán. it's a brownstone in brooklyn that is shared between her family of 4 (they live in the top two floors) and her brother-in-laws family of 3 (who live in the garden apartment); they pooled their resources to be able to afford and renovate the home. great idea, yes?

if this issue is an example of having a new editor-in-chief appointed to the magazine, there's a good chance i will be drawn to it again. and i don't mind at all.
image from here

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