Saturday, September 24, 2011

meat, bread and coffee

kai had a day off from school today and after a lazy morning at home we went to meet stefan for lunch.  he took us to meat and bread where all they do is make sandwiches, four of them only - meatball, pork, the special and a grilled cheese for a veggie option. such a simple concept that has become popular - while we were there the line-up never let up but it all worked well with seating - by the time you get your sandwich a chair would become available at the communal table.  stefan writes more about it here.

we then went across the street to revolver, a new coffee house.  and boy do they take their coffee seriously - they weigh the beans and use beakers for drip coffee.  they didn't have chai on the menu and i don't suspect they ever will.  instead, i had a latte (with sugar) and i must say, it was a very nice cuppa.  stefan is looking forward to their mochas (they haven't sourced their chocolate supplier yet).  he writes more about it here.

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