Tuesday, September 6, 2011

one last splash!

it was back to school today... for an hour!  so we took advantage of the free day and went to the pool.  this summer-strong weather we've been having is such a treat. we vancouverites are deserving considering our july was so not summer-like!  we had a splash of a time today!

kitsilano pool is popular.  it sits right on the water's edge with sandy beaches and wide grassy areas for play all around, a playground, and pretty views of the north shore mountains, stanley park and the city.  the salt water pool is the longest in canada at 137 metres which makes for great lap swimming but also big enough that there is a shallow section for children to play and another in the deep end for jumping and sliding into the water (kai's favourite section).

i forgot my camera today! 
image taken from here
photo from 2010 with opa and oma

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