Wednesday, September 21, 2011


my lovely girlfriend, suji, emailed me her pinterest board.  have you heard about it?  it's a way of collecting stuff you find lovely, pretty, or inspiring.  she thought it was my kinda thing and she's right, it is.  i cut pages out of magazines and organize it into folders, i do. however, i can picture myself spending way too much time pinning stuff and spending hours scrolling through other people's pinboards (when i probably should be asleep!).  i do love how you instantly get a sense of who someone is, at least their aesthetics.  check it out, but i did warn you so if you become a loveliness addict don't blame me!  resist like i am doing... but for how long?!

here are a few of her pins that i would repin if i had my own pinboard!
chloe satchel

poster from here

lipari, aeolian island

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