Friday, October 7, 2011


i am blogging! and have been doing so for the last 9 months.  my hubby stefan has been my one loyal follower.  i named my blog tiramisu, after a popular italian dessert. it literally means *pick me up*, and that's what this blog is about.  through these months of blogging i have created a journal of my life with stefan and kai and our love of food, vancouver (the city we call home), and what delights me.  i love that this can be here for kai to cherish as he gets older - he is already enjoying it!  blogging for the three of us has been fun, i enjoy the process and love that kai is into it too, "mom, you should take a picture of this for your blog". 

and now, my friends and family, it is here for you to view as well. do share it with anyone you think may want to drop by and visit me. and please be kind and patient as i get used to blogging live. it's scary but i am finally taking the plunge. 

welcome, enjoy, and have a lovely thanksgiving weekend!  i will be back on monday.  in the meantime, peruse the blog.
*and the dessert does provide a 'pick me up' with its espresso and liquor soaked ladyfingers layered between mascarpone and topped with cocoa! image from here.

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