Wednesday, October 12, 2011

weekend pics

i hope you had a lovely long weekend, if you get a long weekend wherever you are! 

my boys and i hopped onto the ferry on saturday and spent the weekend with family (they haven't run away from the rain yet!) and friends.  it was a bit of a reunion, we all spent lots of time together when stefan first moved to canada so it was really, really nice to spend the weekend with them.  and hopefully many more to come! 

our island family and friends have rented homes just blocks from the beach so we had no excuse but to get out, especially after eating turkey!  we ate the biggest turkey i have ever laid my eyes on (there were 14 of us!) and devoured the best mashed sweet potatoes ever, thank you mike! we also drank coffee - my sister-in-law is a coffee fiend like her brother.  we played too and kai had fun with his cousins!

and i will not mention the plumbing crisis.


kai is equally comfortable playing lego with ruben or barbies with maya and india - i love that about him!


kids at play on the beach
this photo makes me laugh because i took so many shots of them and this silly one was the only one that turned out!


we also managed to spend a few hours visiting downtown victoria.  we visited what stefan researched to be the best coffee place in town, discovery coffee.  we always stop by silk road to gawk at their splendid selection of tea and chocolate!  and we ate at one of victoria's best restaurants, zambris, a casual italian place - it was deserving of the awards the restaurant has received over the years.  stefan blogs more about this aspect of our weekend trip here.

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