Thursday, November 24, 2011

the happiest women

let's move to holland!  according to maclean's magazine (september 2011), dutch women are apparently the happiest women in the world.  they consistently rank high in terms of happiness and well-being.  the major factor is that most dutch women work part-time (60% compared to 20% of canadian women), preferring the time to do things that matter to them, keeping a balanced lifestyle, "to stay mentally and physically healthy and happy."  as a result, dutch women consistently rank low in top positions in business and government.  some note that this is not okay, worried that women are not seeking equality in the workplace, are setting a bad example for their children, and believe that happiness is overrated and women should work to achieve wealth, status, and power instead. 

i believe that as long as there is choice - whether to be career minded, work part-time, or stay home to raise children - whatever a woman decides for herself is the right path.  betty friedan the author of the feminist mystique said it perfectly way back in 1963, "what we need are real choices. and i don't want to hear women saying one choice is more feminist than another."
The feminism happiness axis
photo by thomas schlijper
for more on dutch women check out the book dutch women don't get depressed by ellen de bruin.  the dutch woman is stereotypically defined as "naturally beautiful with a no-fuss sense of style, she rides her bike to fetch the groceries, has ample time with her kids and husband, takes art classes in the middle of the week, and spends leisurely afternoons drinking coffee with her friends." here is an interview with the writer.

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