Thursday, December 15, 2011

christmas cheer

sorry i haven't posted in a couple of days; it has been a bit busy around here.  seeing as i am no longer in the thick of gift buying, i can now enjoy the activities that i most love about christmas.

my favourite is getting the house ready for christmas, staring at the christmas tree, listening to christmas music, and so happy to share it with my boys. 

it is too easy to get caught up in the consumerism of christmas that i am looking forward to spending as much time with my boys as possible which includes spending christmas at home, just the three of us.  i relish enjoying the season with them, mellowing out, and eating too much!

now if only it would snow; a white christmas would be perfect!

here is a peek at some of the christmas cheer spread throughout the house - baubles here and there; natural and gold dusted acorns; santa and frosty; kai's christmas art of years past; and stockings ready for filling.



i also hosted a little play date for kai and a couple of his best buddies along with their littler sisters which was a lot of fun, especially with helium balloons, sparkle cookies, holiday jello shapes and lots of play.

some of the yummiest cookies were gluten and dairy free - they were so delicious i kept a few aside to go with the tea i had once the children left and the party ended

kai has been taken to making the most awful faces when taking his picture; he finds it hilarious (i do not!).

jude was the centre of attention - more on him in a future post, stay tuned!

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