Friday, December 30, 2011

holiday pics (on the island) and gratitude

having family to spend the holidays with makes the meals we share, the gifts we exchange, and the treats eaten all the more special.  although i was expecting it, i was still awe struck that it completely felt right that we were together.  kai was over the moon happy - every so often when we caught each other's eye he would smile a big grin at me and give me a little wave from the across the room or as he happily ran up the stairs to play with his cousins.  i swell with joy at seeing him content and comfortable.

we enjoyed the moments as they presented themselves - eating, chatting, playing games, going walks.  i feel very lucky having melanie, craig, ruben, maya and india in our lives.

the boys created a fort game with jenga blocks and spent hours enjoying their creation
these solitaire games were addicting!




games bring out such giggles especially when a doctor who becomes a hair stylist is involved :)
a wander through beacon hill park

thank you for a lovely, cozy, and fun time!  i leave you with this photo of the diego, a sweet and adorable little doggie.

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