Wednesday, December 21, 2011

weekend pics

we are back from whistler! 

we were expecting a winter wonderland in whistler as is usually the case for our annual holiday visit but instead we got dirty snow and green trees.  nevertheless, my boys had a great time on the mountain - the words spectacular and awesome were used to describe their time skiing and boarding.  without any snow to snowshoe on, i thoroughly chilled out - reading, sitting in coffee shops drinking chai, walking (alot!) along the trails, and i even managed to do just a bit of shopping. 

we stayed at the crystal hotel, located right in the middle of the village it was the perfect spot for my boys to hit the mountain and for me to wander about.  once the sun began setting, the the village became full of twinkling lights, making for a festive feel despite the lack of snow.

whereas i was a tad disappointed with the lack of snow, kai managed to find joy with the small patches of snow here and there in the village.  it is so easy to forget that it is the simple things that bring us contentment.  thank you for the reminder my sweet boy!  i loved watching you free and happy.

blueberry tea, my favourite warming drink

during my wanderings around the trails and visiting the aboriginal museum my boys were high up the mountain...


and we even got a glimpse of santa...

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