Thursday, January 19, 2012

camera ready

an inspiring photo book that i have on my wish list

i thought i would tell you about the photo class i attended on the weekend.  firstly, claudette is so sweet and was very patient with us.  i loved that she spoke to us as though we knew very little about photography and she gave us answers!!!  i have taken photography classes before and this was the first time that ISO, shutter, and aperture - the three languages of photography - made sense to me.  i think with practise i may finally get a handle on it. 

photography, claudette says, should be simple.  her tips for photography and shooting kids in particular made total sense to me: change perspective ~ have a vision but adapt ~ let go of the idea of spontaneity ~ find constant light ~ story tell ~ capture movement in the photo ~ use colour ~ use the rule of thirds.

i was relieved to know that those professional photos of children and families that look candid actually require prep work.  i don't know why i never knew this before. claudette introduced us to one of her favourite photographers, anna kuperberg, who has taken those 'candid' photos that i love so much.  aren't her photos awesome?


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