Wednesday, January 4, 2012

hey jude

you may have gotten glimpses of our new kitten, jude, in a couple of my posts.  jude came into our lives in mid december.  my boys really wanted a playmate for loki, understandably.  it took some time for loki to welcome jude and still today i am not sure loki is totally in love with him.  we, however, absolutely adore jude. 

jude is a perfect combination of playful and calm.  he takes his play very seriously - he actually gets manic, getting into mischief way more than loki or mikey ever did as kittens.  it was exactly this mischievous nature we sensed in him at the spca that drew us to him.  we knew what we were bringing home. 

jude is cute too - his eyes sometimes look cross-eyed, he has a congenital short tail, and black paws.  He is clumsy too (i wonder if it's the short tail that has him off balance?) which makes him all the cuter.  he likes to cuddle and be near us when he naps - love this part of him!

yes, he discovered the hamster but cookie has already put him in his place!

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