Thursday, January 26, 2012

jello pops

kai didn't recover from his fever and croup as quickly as usual.  instead, he stayed home from school for a few days.  today is his first day back.  while at home kai slept alot, we played some card games, watched movies (the bee movie was our favourite), read books, attempted to knit again, and snuggled lots.

my priority was keeping him hydrated those first couple of days when his fever was highest.  he managed some sips of water but with no popsicles around i relied on jello.  i whipped some up, poured it into our popsicle molds, and stuck them into the freezer.  kai deemed them a success.  i was curious and tried one too - tasted just like jello.  yum! 

with stefan away i was kai's sole caregiver. single parenting makes me appreciate that i have a partner in childcare. even miles away from us, stefan was available to me and what a relief to touch base with him. it is easy to freak out when the littlest person you love is not feeling well. i also had great support from my awesome neighbours who periodically checked in on us and provided invaluable advise.

i am also grateful for kai's general good health.  it's easy to take for granted when all is well.  he had lots to complain about these last few days but didn't.  he was a trooper.


today life is back to business as usual - i will be at a workshop (will post about it later), stefan is back, and kai is in school.  so lovely...

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