Friday, January 6, 2012

kai's how-to sandwich

i found kai standing on a stool taking a picture of the scene below and when i asked him what he was up to he said that he was taking the picture for the blog.  so, please welcome kai and his first blog post.

here are props to make a nutella and peanut butter sandwich.  first, you get two pieces of bread, then you get the nutella and smear ALOT of it on the bread with a knife.  second, you put peanut butter on the other slice then put the two slices together.  you can cut the sandwich into 'soliders' and dip into a glass of chocolate almond milk.

or my favourite, you can make a four tiered sandwich.  first, get four slices of bread.  smear ALOT of nutella on one slice. put the second slice on top and smear peanut butter on it.  put the third slice on top and smear ALOT more nutella.  put the fourth slice on top. this is a delicious sandwich.

i love this sandwich because i love chocolate and peanuts!  if my mom would let me, i would eat this sandwich every single day.  i mostly eat it for breakfast and i make it myself.

by a third grader.

have a lovely weekend!

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