Monday, January 23, 2012

weekend pics (chocolate and ibuprofen)

a quiet weekend was inevitable - stefan has worked longer hours than usual and is mentally exhausted while kai has been under the weather resulting in a fever by weekend's end.  kai generally has a very good immune system.  it is rare that he is sick and when he is it lasts no longer than 24 hours.  hopefully, this time will prove the same. 

we did manage to get outdoors a couple of times to indulge in some hot chocolate.  local chocolatiers dream up weekly hot chocolate flavours for an entire month.  on friday night we picked up some hot chocolate to go to share with friends - cocoa nymph dreamed up an unusual flavour that was sesame based.  although its very earthy taste didn't appeal to me, the chocoholics in the group drank it up.

on saturday we went to gastown primarily to visit the beggar's banquet, an antique market, but it was more clothing than home decor (my boys didn't want to stay).  instead, we took advantage of being in gastown, vancouver's oldest neighbourhood, and walked about the streets.  gastown is a mix of kitschy vancouver souvenir stores, lovely home and clothing shops (most are independent businesses), and a great selection of very good restaurants.  i coveted alot of stuff during our stroll!  we also had more festival hot chocolate from mink chocolates that was yummy (rosemary with fleur de sel). 


on sunday, kai's snowboard lesson was cancelled due to high winds.  this was fortunate as by the afternoon kai was in full sick mode.  instead, we ate ice cream, played cards (a new fun game called s'quarrals), and watched kung fu panda 2.  stefan cooked up a lovely wintry chili full of flavour (poor kai ate toast), i wish you could smell it - just gorgeous.  perfect for our rainy, grey day.

coffee ice cream for me - one of my favourites

visit stefan's blog for more information about this delicious stew

apple tarts for dessert, homemade by the grandmother of one of kai's best buddies at school

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