Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

lauren fleishman's love ever after project showcases couples that have been married for more than 50+ years.  she says the project "is a photographic series of love letters".  inspiring.

"What is the secret to love? A secret is a secret and I don’t reveal my secrets!” – Ykov Shapirshteyn, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn on July 22, 2008
"Now I am going on 88. My wife is 85 and I’m only wishing for another 5 or 6 years of life. This is all we want. We don’t want to live much longer. As a matter of fact, I always say to my wife, I wish I could reach 94. This is the aim of my existence. I’d like to see my grandson earn a living and my granddaughter get married. We want them to be happy the way we were.” and ""everyday my wife expresses her love for me. she says, did i tell you how much i love you today? everyday. everyday she says that." -Moses Rubenstein, Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn on August 24, 2008
“We met each other at a dancing party. It was January 1938. My friend invited me to the party. He said there were a lot of beautiful young girls. Another cadet with high boots had approached her but she didn’t like high boots and so she said no to him. I was the second one to approach her, I had a different uniform, but I’m still not sure if it was my uniform or my face that attracted her to me.”  -Yevgeniy Kissin, Midwood, Brooklyn on March 3, 2008
happy valentine's day!

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