Monday, February 27, 2012

weekend pics

it was a quiet weekend.  puttering about the house, saying good-bye to our australian family, attending a spin class (finally!), and watching the oscars.

the day arrived when we said our good-byes to erin, paul, and lucy.  after kai's soccer game saturday morning we stayed home so lucy and kai (and stefan!) could have one last play.  we also, along with some other lovely neighbours, drove our australian family to the airport.  tears were shed, last photos taken, and hugs given.  we miss them already!  we can't wait to start planning our australian get-away...
chasing and tickles provided by stefan
australian themed playmobile for kai from erin, paul, and lucy - super sweet, yes?
after months and months away from the gym, i attended a spinning class (instead of my weekly snowshoe grind).  i was reminded just how intense of a workout it is.  snowshoeing the grouse grind is an intense workout too but i also get to stop and catch my breath, slow my pace to ponder a picture i want to take, bum ride down the mountain.  in a spinning class, there is no coasting and i get a good workout quickly - in and out in an hour.  our instructor, anne-marie, instructs us to pedal while blasting her playlist tunes.  we sprint, we go uphill, we sprint some more.  my legs burn, my heart beats fast, i sweat, i continue to concentrate on pushing down and pulling up the pedals.  after class i feel good and can't wait to go back.

image from here
jude had an exciting weekend too.  we let him experience the outdoors - safely on a leash!  he was hesitant but still curious enough to want to explore the new smells and sights.  i would love for him to get used to the leash (loki and mikey never did) and take him for walks. 

other weekend scenes at home:
french toast, yum!
a chat with aunt mary always brings a smile
         reading time                                                                                                                                            craft time

and the oscar goes to... i loved jean dujardin's energy during his acceptance speech. and isn't meryl, well, just awesome?
images of meryl and jean from here

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