Wednesday, March 14, 2012

date night + more

image from here
you know the saying, that a weekly date night keeps your marriage in the honeymoon phase.  i think it's true but i also believe it's the simple gestures that sustain a love relationship: a hidden post-it note message you find in your wallet, laughing out loud together, an impromptu massage. the little things done around the house without the need to announce it help too: sweeping up the floor (with the new dyson), emptying the dishwasher, cleaning out the cat litter. 

don't get me wrong, i enjoy date nights.  stefan and i did reinstate them back in september of last year.  i have loved hanging out with him, just the two of us.  i look forward to creating more date nights.  they are an important way to connect and have fun.  

our last date happened just last week.  we went to a piano concert at the spectacular orpheum.  it was sweet to watch how giddy stefan became when he first learned murray perahia would be playing there.  i love that he listens to classical music (he thanks to his dad for introducing him to it). i love it when he remembers to play it on weekend mornings  (and i can now request bach because i learned at the concert that he's my favourite composer). i love it that kai is exposed to it (although he says he doesn't like it!).  and i didn't mind that the average age of the audience was 70.  it made it all the more sweet that stefan was so giddy about it.

date nights or simple gestures? which do you value most in your love relationship?

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