Friday, March 16, 2012

travelling solo

if you have children, have you ever taken a vacation by yourself or with a friend? i have taken two mini ones with a girlfriend when kai was 3 and 5 years old. then again (with stefan, so it doesn't really count) when we went to marrakesh and left a 4 year old kai with my in-laws. stefan takes a mini vacation every year - just him, his car, and the road. he always comes back refreshed and with a big smile on his face. i want that. so, when you read this i will already be in seattle.

i have wanted a break for a while now, but not just a regular kind of break. the thing is i have wanted a little break from motherhood. for a long time i felt ashamed for thinking this. i thought that i shouldn't need a break considering that i am parenting one child instead of four (like my mom did and she never took a vacation).  and that child i am parenting is awesome, i feel very lucky to have him.  anyway, once the hotel was booked and it was definite, instead of feeling badly i immediately felt okay; like a weight had been lifted.  the fact that it was supported helped immensely - thank you stefan and kai.

i was prepared to go by myself but instead i am travelling with a wonderful friend, patrycja (it will definitely be more fun!). i am excited. i love that i don't have to overly plan, i get to pack for one, and i probably can take as many pictures as i like! patrycja and i have the same goal for this trip; shopping (just a little bit), eating well, and being pampered (we are already booked with a spa!). and yes, i do feel a twinge of guilt in my excitement.

image from here
have a lovely weekend.  i will be back with my weekend pics on tuesday.

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