Wednesday, March 7, 2012

a wonderful response

when kai turned 8 he sent a letter/drawing to unicef with his birthday donation - i posted about it here. using coloured pencils he wrote what he wanted his birthday money to be used for.  i wanted him to do this for two reasons.  firstly, to reinforce the reason for the give.  secondly, i knew receiving letters/drawings from young donors would put a smile on the faces of the very hard working staff of charities.

i was elated when (finally!) kai recently received a wonderful response from unicef.  i had hoped they would send him a thank you letter; it is a great affirmation of the good he can do.  and, to provide him a better understanding of the world around us and how fortunate we are to have all we do.


my hope?  that he will never stop giving and it carries over to other parts of his life.

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