Wednesday, April 18, 2012

look at ida

sometime last year, when i read about this record-setting 96 year old athlete i was captivated.  she's been on mind ever since. her name is ida keeling, maybe you have already heard of her?  she started running at age 67 when her daughter signed her up for a 5km race and i love that it never occurred to her (or her daughter) that she couldn't do it.  after that first run she "... felt uplifted.  it was like a health potion for me."  so true.  she feels younger at 96 than she did at 40 thanks to exercise and eating well. 

if ida can do it, surely i can pick up my feet again.  so, i signed up for a 5km run in june.  i just started running (and yoga-ing) again to get myself ready.  running certainly isn't new to me - i have been running on and off for the last decade and even participated in a handful of races and two triathlons (let's be clear, they were mini ones, i am no athlete).  i am excited to get moving again.

let ida inspire you and go for a run.

photo from here

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