Monday, April 16, 2012

weekend pics (his birthday)

we had a busy, lovely weekend celebrating stefan's birthday with friends, outside play, shopping, and alot of really good food.

we started off the weekend with jason, dede and their two girlies jade and chloe.  i didn't take any photos (i know!) but next time we visit i will.  you see, these are the friends that have built their home from scratch and it's finished.  i think maybe i was too busy admiring the final product that i completely forgot to take photos (i forgot the camera but i did have my iphone).  this house must be photographed and shared and i can't wait to show it off.  the girlies were very sweet and when they learned it would be stefan's birthday within hours, they took out a candle, lit it, dimmed the lights, and sang happy birthday.  it was lovely.  thank you for having us over!

on stefan's birthday the three of us lounged in bed for much of the morning - and stefan opened up his birthday present, a panini press for his le creuset skillet.  can't wait for the deliciousness that comes from that!  stefan's wish for his birthday was to eat pastry, drink coffee, shop and eat really good food - we did all this to the fullest and played too!  it was a gorgeous day.

stop #1 - trafiq, a newish bakery in the mount pleasant neighbourhood.  we devoured a tad too many sweets (including a perfect orange current scone) but they were so very yummy!  you would have too, guaranteed!


stop #2 - shopping, stefan had a lucky time shopping and found himself some pretty cool shirts.  i relaxed while he modeled his picks.  it was fun even though i came home empty handed (even kai came home with some new clothing).

stop #3 - the beach in kitsilano for a relaxing wander and play.  kai and stefan had fun playing tag while i enjoyed the sunshine.  you can read more about shopping on stefan's blog (yes, he was excited enough about shopping to blog about it.  cute, yes?)

stop #4 - 49th parallel, one of stefan's favourite coffee shops.  more coffee was had!

stop #5 - la quercia, an italian restaurant stefan has been wanting to check out for awhile now (you must reserve weeks in advance). the food was divine.  i loved everything that came to the table, especially the butter lettuce with a creamy egg sauce, the gnocchi with ragu, and the parmesan cake.  if you live in the area, you must eat here.  you can read more about la quercia on stefan's blog.

my boys
we ended the weekend with kam, ghazaleh, and their adorable little guy kayan.  we ate lunch at edible canada where another delicious meal (my tuna salad was awesome!) was had.  we then found ourselves at the playground again.  kayan loved the swinging, sliding, spinning actions - so precious to watch him laugh and enjoy himself.  the adults, on the other hand, felt nauseous by such actions which made for a good laugh. 


happy birthday hubby!  i loved sharing this weekend with you. 

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