Monday, April 23, 2012

weekend pics

feeling bluh.  been fighting a sore throat and cold all week and on sunday it won.  before it hit me too badly, i managed to go for a run while kai was at his soccer program (a new soccer season, but shorter and less commitment required).  once home, i had all sorts of hours planned to do chores around the house, go here with my boys and here with a girlfriend but, my friends, that simply didn't happen.

i didn't feel like doing much of anything and feeling achy all over didn't help so after a cup of tea or two (i couldn't even muster energy to read the new livingetc. magazine) i spent most of the afternoon and evening asleep on the sofa.

kai has been very sweet.  he made me some buttered toast, kept my water glass full, and when he heard me complain about feeling feverish and chilled he brought over another blanket to lay over me.  he even gave me an impromptu massage.  super sweet.

the weekend wasn't totally lost though. on saturday, other than a cough i felt relatively okay but i was at a work conference most of the day.  i left early to hang out with kai as stefan also had to work that afternoon/evening.  kai and i had a lunch date here and walked a long and leisurely walk home.  so at least i spent some time outdoors!


at top right of this photo you can see granville island's houseboats

a little playground by a cafe on granville island that kai and i spent many hours at when he was littler

 visit stefan's blog for some more weekend pics.

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