Wednesday, April 25, 2012

you look great

i am having a bit of a fashion conundrum.  figuring out what to wear has become a chore most mornings.  i look at my small selection of tops and bottoms and don’t have a clue what to wear.  you would think having less choice (one girlfriend was flabbergasted at the little clothing i own) would be easier, but no.  even if i put together something that looked fabulous last week, it doesn’t look so fabulous this week. 

i was told that colour coding your wardrobe makes it easier to get ready in the morning or for a night out as it helps to mix and match your clothes successfully without too much uncertainty.  my clothing have been sorted by colour for years and really, it doesn’t make it easier for me.  however, it does help me identify deficits in my clothing options, i.e. going overboard in one particular colour, and it brings me joy to see an organized closet (i even colour coded stefan’s clothing!). 

one trick that works brilliantly, sometimes, is to start with the shoes.  i read this in a vogue article some time ago.  if you find yourself in a fashion conundrum too, try it.  or maybe all i need is this mirror.  i think it would look great hanging in my house.

i could wake up to this everyday!

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