Thursday, May 3, 2012

clean eating

photos from here
it is that time of year when many people cleanse. i like to cleanup my diet a few times a year; usually at the start of the spring, fall, and winter seasons. for me cleansing means a slight change to my diet and using herbal supplements to assist my detox organs to do their thing. i take 12 days off of any processed foods which includes breads, pastas, crackers, cookies, dairy products, and many more, drink lots of water, and eat lots of what is in season (i have been loving pears and broccoli). 

i love the idea that my body is absorbing lots of goodness and getting rid of what it doesn't need.  i always feel energized on and after the cleanse and lighter too.  and sometimes all this clean eating sticks after the cleanse is over.  i hardly eat dairy anymore, except when stefan happens to make a yummy leek and potato soup that requires milk or on the rare occasion i find myself at a table with a cheese plate - i can't resist (and both occurred this past weekend)!

and you, do you cleanse?

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