Friday, May 25, 2012


(sorry about my lack of post yesterday, it has been a bit busy around here single parenting)

stefan was away for a couple of days this week which equals two dinners that he was not present for.  usually kai and i will resort to take-out, sushi, thai, and pizza are the favourites.  but my husband, before he left, cooked us our meals - a peanut sauce noodle dish and a meatloaf (all i had to do was roast some veggies to go with the meatloaf).  believe me, i know just how lucky i am to have him in my life! but this post wasn't meant to gush about stefan (although he is deserving of it) it was to chat about take-out.
photo taken from here
i used to feel guilty when i ordered take-out for kai and i when stefan was away.  i would love to whip up a delicious, healthy homemade meal for us (and just for the record, i sometimes do!) but with a 7am start to my workday and after school activities this isn't always possible.  moms are busy.  but i have come to realize that take-out every now and then is okay.  seriously, our children will be fine, their brain won't turn to mush, they won't fail at sports or school.  it's about balance isn't it?  with a great cook in the house we get loads of meals made lovingly from scratch so why wouldn't i order pizza if it means that's the only way kai and i will eat dinner that night?

it's also important to me that we eat our meal sitting at the same table - that relationship of sharing each other's day, chatting about nonsense, laughing.  that's what i treasure most. whether we are eating a homemade meal or getting take-out from the thai place down the street doesn't really matter.

btw, stefan came home last night and we ate here for dinner (for their special spot prawn menu). it was delicious.  and, it was very nice to have stefan back at the dinner table with kai and i.

have a lovely weekend.  maybe you will be ordering take-out?

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