Monday, June 11, 2012

weekend pics

it was two days of lovely, enjoyable, and relaxing moments.  yet, for most of the weekend i was feeling a little off.  i am not sure what is contributing to my bluesy state but i am so glad that the events of this weekend - comfort food, dancing, and girlfriend time - helped me be okay with my off-kilter feeling.

saturday morning started with an early hot yoga class.  it was the first time i didn't want the class to end.  my body was loving (and i think needing) it.  then i met up with one of the most awesomeness women i know, my girlfriend suji. she is smart, multi-talented, stylish, and an entrepreneur (you can follow her on pinterest). everyone who's lucky enough to know her loves her to bits.  i met her for brunch at organic lives - she's trying out a raw vegan diet.  i had 'sushi' and a 'caesar' salad.  both were much more yummy than i anticipated.  i whole heartily believe organic is better for our health and environment but i can't imagine preparing raw food all of the time - i love my rice dishes, roasted broccoli, and warm soup too much!  i then spent a couple of leisurely hours browsing the shops (a few purchases might have been made but i am not saying for sure) before heading for home to help kai with his school project (the big reveal in another post).  the day ended with chicken soup, indonesian style.  thank you stefan, it was exactly the nourishment i was craving this day.

it's too bad that it's not noticeable but suji was wearing the most lovely coral lipstick from chanel. i want!

sunday morning started with a 5km run along the seawall (my race is fast approaching!) while kai was at his soccer program.  stefan joined me - he of course was faster than i was which pushed me to go faster so i could catch up to him but i never did!  and there is nothing like a dance party to shake the blues out of you.  we attended the joy of feeding event, a fundraiser for ubc farms (and the rain stayed away!).  it brought together lay cooks - women and men who love to cook for their family and friends - to share their speciality ethnic dish with those of us lucky enough to attend.  we went on an around the world trip without leaving vancouver enjoying yummy comfort foods from ghana, eygpt, italy, india, sweden, chili, tanzania, mexico, first nations, vietnam and more. meeru dhalwala, (co-owner of vij's and rangoli restaurants) the founder of the event, was inspired to "celebrate the importance of (happily) carrying on the cooking traditions of all cultures within our increasingly mixed culture society in north america. joy of feeding... encourages people of all backgrounds to cook foods from all backgrounds, inter-racial home cooking... i wanted to hold this in a farm setting where sustainably farmed food is grown to make an emotional, triangular connection between whole foods, cultures and cooking. unless we know what to do with local, unprocessed foods, we will never be able to support and appreciate local farming in any large scale, meaningful way."  what a great idea!  and i loved that the food feast included a dance party - the music from india called me to the dance floor.  it was so fun to let loose and let the bluesy feeling take a back seat.



kai wanted to show me some of his hip hop moves (he just completed a hip hop program organized by the school, same one as last year that i posted about here).  i love his enthusiasm!

pretty cool!

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