Tuesday, July 17, 2012

kai goodness

when stefan was away for a couple of days last week i swooped up my boy from camp and we found ourselves some fun ways to ward off the heat.  we have been having some hot days!  

although we were both tired from our full days - his at science camp and mine at work - we managed to stay out very late each day much to the chagrin of our cats, loki and jude, who patiently waited for their dinner. 

one of the afternoons, kai and i spent time at hillcrest pool chasing each other around the whirlpool, playing hide and seek, and then embracing the sun in the outdoor pool where more silly made-up-by-kai water games ensued. at some point in the pool kai looks at me and says, 'this is so much fun mom, i never want to leave!'  i felt the same but our tummies were grumbling and we needed food.  we agreed on sushi but instead of our usual place, with kai's consent, we tried a new restaurant - shizenya offers brown rice sushi and participates in the oceanwise program.  healthy and sustainable equals really good sushi.  i think kai and i found our new go to sushi place.


the next afternoon kai an i spent time at science world.  he took me to the da vinci exhibit and i listened as he gave me a private tour of the space, excited to share all he learned during his week there.  we then walked around the corner and ate at pizzeria farina. kai and i inhaled a margherita pizza smothered with arugula lettuce and drank lemonade.  they only do pizza and they do it really well.  next time you are in the mood for pizza (and you live in vancouver), try it because it was that delicious.  we ended our evening going to the movies.  we saw the visually fantastic brave.  a movie about courage and rebellion.  it was funny, a bit scary at moments (which prompted kai to nuzzle into me, which i loved), and a great message about the parent-child relationship. 


image from here
kai is so much fun. he is silly and chill, and up for anything. we laughed alot.  with no other distractions or busyness to get in the way of our time together, i realize just how lucky i am. my guy is goodness and i am a lucky mom.

i don't think afternoons can get any better than this.

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