Monday, July 30, 2012

weekend pics (harm and marion, part 4)

here's what went down on our weekend in victoria:
  • petting the cutest baby sheep
  • feasting on fish 'n chips
  • stocking up on dutch licorice, naturally
  • visiting a lovely neighbourhood, oak bay, for breakfast and ice cream
  • chilling on the beach
  • enjoying the gorgeous and sparkly weather
  • stefan, melanie, and their parents all under one roof (last time that happened was more than a decade ago)
on saturday

kai is eager to get on the ferry and hangout with his cousins
i am wearing maya's shoes, she's 8 years old.
peacocks roaming around in beacon hill park

eve enojyed chewing maya's hair!
the last time the grandparents had all their grandchildren together was 2004, kai wasn't yet one and india wasn't yet born
on sunday

scenes at home 

view from the balcony

kai spent quality time with cousin ruben
you rarely find me posing for a photo - my neice india, 7 years old, asked to take my photo and so i posed as per her instuction

good times! 

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