Tuesday, September 25, 2012

weekend pics

we didn't go on any adventures this weekend (well, i didn't, my boys went to see the whitecaps play and kai played his first soccer match too).  there was no 'what should we do today?, we should do something, it's actually nice out.'  instead, we mostly hunkered down at home but i did start each day with a hatha yoga class... bliss. 

we lounged around, cleaned house (kai got into the action too, vacuuming, pairing up laundered socks, washing up bathroom sinks), played a new board game while eating chips and salsa, ordered pizza one night and ate sushi the other, watched a science fiction animated movie, put away any evidence of summer (toys and clothing) and hauled out the cool weather clothing (did you realize fall arrived on the weekend?).

perhaps it was this change of season that allowed us to just be at home, nesting and getting ready for crisp breezes, chunky sweaters, and boots.  we're ready!

kai and stefan picked up cartem's donuts after kai's soccer game... this one is parmesan and honey... so very good!

kai won our first game of settlers... a game that we often played with friends when he was just a wee one...

kai spent some time playing with our neighbour friend finn

loki hunkered down at home too :-)

sempreviva yoga on granville island... a lovely spot! 

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