Tuesday, October 30, 2012

kinfolk + gatherings

images from volume 5
growing up, my my parent’s backyard would be full of our neighbours and friends.  spontaneous gatherings eating watermelon in the backyard or whatever my mom happened to have on hand.  it’s a lovely memory.
when i came across kinfolk magazine, it happily reminded me of those childhood memories and sadly reminded me that nowadays such gatherings are far and few with people leading 'busy' lives.  i would love to make a commitment, at least in my little abode, to gather with our friends more often with a cozy meal, game playing, and conversation.  i love when it happens and i would love more of it our life.
now a word about kinfolk... it is a magazine that celebrates small gatherings and the joy of cooking and eating together.  read their manifesto here.  there is something so amazing about this magazine. it is full of gorgeous writing, photography and inspiration; really soulful and artful. it makes you think.  it makes you daydream.  it makes you hungry too! 

although the fifth volume is ready for purchase, i am patiently awaiting the online version.  i think i might have to break down and purchase a subscription... it's not a cheap magazine but because it comes out with the seasons i'll have time to save my pennies.

it really is the perfect read.

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