Thursday, October 25, 2012

sauvage decorating

i, once upon a time, loved scouring second hand stores for items (chests, bookshelves, chairs, etc) that i could sand, strip, stain, or paint and give new life to.  i could spend hours and days working on a piece of furniture.  my favourite gifts were the ones that allowed me to continue my hobby... staple gun, electric sander, etc. i even used my talents on some of the pieces in my first home with stefan.

the only remaining piece i still have is a chunky wooden stool from my teenage years. i, with the help of my father, hauled it (and a desk) to the house from the neighbour's bin and stripped and stained it. because the paint on it was very stubborn i needed my father's assistance to scrub it clean and was elated when we succeeded.  it isn't a fancy stool and has no monetary value but whenever i set my eyes on it i remember my father and appreciate that he indulged my endeavours.

when i read the new york times article about hilary robertson's staple-gun decorated home and saw those photos i was awestruck (she creates lovely vignettes, doesn't she?).  for some reason the article reminded me of my refurbishing hobby and how much i loved getting my hands dirty.  which is ridiculous because i do recognize that hilary's rehabilitation skills are on a totally different scale than mine ever were. hmmm, maybe i am supposed to take out that electric sander from the back of the closet and put it to use again.

how about you, are you handy with a staple-gun?



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