Thursday, November 1, 2012

the a-z of kai and i

i saw this survey here and thought it would be fun for kai and i to do it together when he was home sick earlier this week.  it was a gloomy tuesday and, other than watching cartoons, completing the survey was the perfect way to pass some time and have fun. i love his answers.
photo from july 2005

age? kai - it's obvious, nine / me -  thirty-three (kai in the background is saying no you're not)

bed size? kai - four to five feet long / me - queen which i think is perfect until i get a chance to sleep in a king then i really want a king

chore that you dislike?  kai - taking out the garbage / me - taking out the garbage

dogs? kai - i don't have one but i want a a bernese mountain dog / me - as a little girl i was terrified of dogs.  now, i want a dog, any puppy from the spca will do as long as it's a girl.

essential start to your day? kai - playing on the ipad... and eating nutella / me - eggs, i love scrambled eggs.  and, silk road's london fog tea. 
favorite colour?  kai - orange / me - purple

gold or silver?  kai - gold because it's rare / me - silver but stefan has got me eyeing gold recently (he has gifted me a couple of lovely gold necklaces that i wear all of the time) 

height? kai - i am less than a foot smaller than my mom, 4'5" / me - i am exactly one foot smaller than stefan, 5'2" but the last time i was at my doctor's i apparently shrunk half and inch but i am sticking with 5'2" 

instruments that you play? kai - the drums, my dad and i are taking lessons / me - not a one but i wish i could play the guitar

job title? kai - future car designer / me - counsellor

kids?  kai - i want a lot of kids so i can boss them around / me - one cutie

live? kai - on earth / me - vancouver (born and raised in toronto)

mother's name?  kai - connie / me - angela

nicknames? kai - bob the genius / me - my real name is concetta but only my mom (and the italians) call me that so connie i guess can be considered a nickname

overnight hospital stays?  kai - never / me - i think when i was little and had my tonsils removed.  and when i had kai
pet peeves? kai - my mom telling me what to do all the time; brushing my teeth and going to bed; consequences / me - being ignored; not being able to find a single thing to wear; being late all of the time

quote from a movie song (kai wanted to change it)? kai - "you were careless to let it fall, you held it all and i was standing by your side powerless" by linkin park / me - i have a terrible memory and cannot remember lyrics although when i was a teen i memorized george michaels' careless whisper song (i can't believe i just admitted that)

right or left handed? kai - right / me - right

siblings? kai - no, just me / me - i am the youngest of four (two brothers and a sister)

time you wake up? kai - 7:30 but once i slept until 8:15.  and i slept a whole day after we got back from vietnam and missed school / me - during my work days, 5:45ish; during the weekend, 8ish

underwear? kai - boxers / me - i have the same pair from victoria secret in different colours, super comfy

vegetable you dislike? kai - i don't really know a vegetable i don't like / me - brussel sprouts, i have tried but i simply don't like them

what makes you run late? kai - going to bed too late the night before / me - i am always late... too much dawdling
x-rays you've had? kai - none / me - at the dentist

yummy food that you make? kai - pancakes; i make better eggs than my mom / me - hmmm... i will have to get back to this one

zoo animal? kai - tigers because they are orange and black which are my favourite colours and they are fast like me / me - elephants, of course although monkeys are kinda cute and sloths too (do sloths live in zoos?  i have been to the zoo once or twice a very long time ago) 

if you like, complete an a-z of you too... i'd love for you to share.

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