Thursday, December 20, 2012

the things we do...

i ate at a subway.  it was kai's suggestion for the dinner portion of our date night last thursday when we went to see the lion, the witch and the wardrobe.  i really didn't want to eat there when there was other yummier fare like sushi or indian and so i tried to dissuade him... to no avail.  he was adamant subway was where he wanted to dine (he had a taste of it when we were in toronto, my brother took him; and he sees the grade seven students munching away on subways during lunch).  

i didn't want to disappoint him by pulling the mom card so we dined at subway much to his delight.  when i picked him up he hesitantly asked, "are we going to subway for dinner?" such a huge smile came over his face when i said "of course."  he ordered his subway - turkey with almost every single topping they had and mayo was his sauce of choice.  i ordered mine - a veggie with almost as many toppings but with an italian zesty sauce. we each had a baggie of chips and iced tea.

kai happily devoured his subway.  mid-way through our meal he asked me, "so, do you like it?"  when i responded with a "yes, it's actually quite yummy!" he proudly stated, "i told you it was good.  so can we come here more often?"  i smiled at him and said, "probably, just remind me that i liked it in case i forget."

it delights me to see kai happy.  we had a lovely evening eating subway and watching a play.  what a privilege.


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