Saturday, January 26, 2013

life with 'photo mama'

'photo mama' is kai's nickname for me because i take a lot of photos (in case you haven't noticed!)... of him, of scenery, of anything really, including food. 


 so when i came upon a post from the lovely food blog dinner: a love story (i have the book which i highly recommend!) i just had to re-post it here and share it. 
it made me smile. 

the post is written by jenny rosenstrach's 8 year old daughter.  i will let it speak for itself.  kai wants you to know that he empathizes with her, 'i know just how she feels!'. 

i hope it makes you smile too.  have a lovely weekend.

Do you know how annoying it is every night to have to wait another five hours for Mom to finish taking pictures of her food? If you are wondering why she has to take pictures of food, well, you’re looking at it. Take for instance a black bean burrito!  Shrimp rolls! And this chicken with artichokes that you are looking at right now. I think that all of you — well most of you — are sitting at the table and having your parents sit right down and eating a delicious dinner. It’s different in my house. I have to wait, as I told you, for fiiiive hours for ONE picture to be tooken of SHRIMP SALAD!!! That seems psychotic to me. I’m an innocent child! All I want to do is sit down at the table and enjoy my dinner. Imagine if you were me, sitting at the table with a warm ficelle right in front of you without EATING IT! It’s TORTURE! All of you out there are LUCKY. You sit at the table with your family, pick up your fork, and eat. My life would change if my mom wasn’t a blogger! I do have one positive reason why being a food blogger’s daughter is fun. It is fun because every night we get to have a different dinner that some families might never have. We have interesting dinners and basically I have not had one dinner that was made by Mom or Dad that was not fantabulous. Except the egg dinners that are all mushy and slimy and D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G in my opinion. – ABBY, 8     

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